Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA Specs ?
From: Stefan Kost (
Date: Wed May 08 2002 - 14:08:19 EEST
> On Tue, 7 May 2002 wrote:
>>Idem for presets : this subject has been discussed a lot, but how do we store
>>them and where, finally ?
> Where? That was never really decided. I think the idea was to have one
> under $LADSPA_PATH/presets and that others could be added as well. I
> don't know of any programs that do this now.
The use of libxml(2) is what I would recommend too. For the path I would suggest
Ideally the LADSPA plugins would be in in $LADSPA_PATH/lib
Tools (like listplugins) could be in $LADSPA_PATH/bin
-- \|/ <@ @> Stefan Kost private business +-oOO-(_)-OOo------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - | __ Address Zwenkauer Str. 24 HTWK Leipzig, Fb IMN, Postfach 300066 | /// 04277 Leipzig 04277 Leipzig | __ /// Germany Germany | \\\/// Phone +49341 3910483 +49341 30766101 | \__/ EMail | WWW ===-=-=--=---=---------------------------------- - - - - -
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