Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] audio project
From: Paul Davis (
Date: Thu May 09 2002 - 14:12:59 EEST
>Just a quick question, that might be better placed on jackit-devel or
>the portaudio list, but I'm not on those:
>What's the status of a jack-interface for portaudio?
not started. what with ardour and now work to get the hammerfall DSP
driver working ....
>I like the multi-platform approach of portaudio a lot, and portaudio
>is used in some nice applications. For example PD uses portaudio for
>ASIO and OS-X. I figure, that if portaudio would support Jack, PD can
>be made Jack-aware without the need for a patch like the one in
>existence. And for my future own application I intend to go portaudio
>because of greater platform independence.
true, but keep in mind that many portaudio calls under JACK become
no-ops. a JACK client cannot control the sample rate, the data format,
the channel count, the blocksize or many other things. consequently,
its easy to overestimate the "portability" - your application many be
expecting these things to work, and they won't.
but in any case, PD is a bad example: we already have a patch to make
PD JACK-aware! :)
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