Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA Specs ?
From: Paul Davis (
Date: Fri May 10 2002 - 21:50:01 EEST
>this is even better (and what I was probably hinting at). Presets should be th
>en even deeper under
>and $LADSPA_PATH is our $PREFIX
this conflicts with the definition of LADSPA_PATH in ladspa.h
>For the plugins it could be considered to further divide it into
> producers/ (no input, just outputs = synths, audio-ins, file-ins)
> operators/ (input and outputs = fx)
> consumers/ (inputs, but no outputs = audio-outs, file-outs, analysers)
steve harris explored this issue in depth on LAD several months
ago. such a naive classification will not help us very much.
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