Subject: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA Specs ?
Date: Tue May 07 2002 - 11:38:09 EEST
Hi all,
I visited recently, and I would like to know where the official
ldp (lasdpa protocol to change values) resides.
Besides, I did remember a attempt to recommend the use of normalized to [-1;1]
signals, but I did not see it mentionned anywhere, has there been a decision
not to do so ?
Idem for presets : this subject has been discussed a lot, but how do we store
them and where, finally ?
It may be interesting to release (or to make ot more visible to blind people
like me ..) these extra LADSPA information, whadaya think ?
(and maybe removing the XMLGUI mention on the page, which has been replaced by
ldp if I remember ..)
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