Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] PCM Device Enumeration
From: Fred Gleason (
Date: Sat May 11 2002 - 02:12:13 EEST
On Friday 10 May 2002 19:09, Paul Davis wrote:
> well, i won't reiterate my feelings on that. you all know that i
> consider JACK to be The One True Way to do audio on Linux. Quite why
> anyone is trying to present a list of physical output devices is
> beyond me - what happens if I want the output to go to a hard disk
> recording program, or through a software FX box?
Because for the particular application I'm dealing with, none of those
destinations would make any sense. But seriously, I've looked into Jack, and
would love to use it, as it has some features that would be very handy. I'm
currently not using it because of the paucity of built-in data types
(currently just 32 bit floats). While that data type is entirely appropriate
for the signal-processing and DAW type applications commonly discussed on
this list, it's not very useful for the type of applications I deal with
(radio broadcast automation and control). The goal there is to move audio
data between the disk and the hardware in the most scalable manner possible,
with little/no signal processing in the traditional sense being done on the
data in transit. Since the data is already stored as FORMAT_S16_LE, and my
target hardware will ultimately want the data in that same format, it's
pointless as well as a waste of CPU cycles to convert to/from FORMAT_FLOAT_LE
just for the sake of passing through Jack. The fact that alsa-lib makes such
conversions relatively easy is irrelevant here. And, while I could declare a
custom data type in Jack, I'd then be back to dealing with the slough of
complexity in the ALSA PCM layer.
Whew! Thanks for listening to my ranting. I appreciate your help, and all
you do for the LAD community.
|Frederick F. Gleason, Jr.|WAVA Radio - 105 FM |Voice: 1-(703)-807-2266 |
| Director of Engineering |1901 N. Moore Street| FAX: 1-(703)-807-2245 |
| |Arlington, VA 22209 | Web:|
| The real problem with hunting elephants is carrying the decoys. |
| -- Anonymous |
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