Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] A new audio plugin API ?
From: Steve Harris (
Date: Tue May 14 2002 - 17:12:24 EEST
On Tue, May 14, 2002 at 11:08:00 +0200, Dr. Matthias Nagorni wrote:
[int port types]
> So you would like to have ports where some int values have special
> meanings like "half wave" or "full wave" but you still would like to allow
> non-int input to these ports, right ? Then you perhaps would like to be
> able to attach also a descriptive string array to this kind of port.
> I agree. But what about e.g. envelope and LFO signals ? Probably it is
> relevant for some DSP routines to know whether a signal is in the audio
> frequency range or in the e.g. 0..50 Hz LFO range. Anyhow there should be
> a hint to the host whether it should create a slider for the port.
Yes, this is the reason I think an audio-rate control port is a useful
thing, but the user should still be free to wire up a signal to it
ofcourse. Modular systems can fix this by providing CV generating slider
I don't think providing reduced rate signals is really neccesary. A
modular host can call run at a short enough interval that low data rate
signals can be sent in via control ports.
> You will not want to have a slider for e.g. the audio in of canyon delay.
> However in the case of e.g. a square wave synthesis plugin it should be
> possible to control the pulsewidth both dynamically via an audio input port
> and statically with a slider (which can be the offset to the signal of the
> audio input).
Right, this is (I guess) why SSM only provides i/o for ladspa plugins, and
you have to wire a CV sldier module to it if thats what you want.
- Steve
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