Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Re: [linux-audio-user] bristol synthesis emulation (fwd)
From: Paul Davis (
Date: Tue May 14 2002 - 17:16:50 EEST
Nick Copeland wrote:
>There is an intention to interface to Jack, but I do not want this
>to be the only access method since Paul appears to mandate that
>Ardour is then the mixer/plug interface. That is fine, but I do
>not want this to be the _only_ interface.
No, no, no on all counts. This is a huge, terribly bad misperception.
There are no priviledged JACK clients. Any client can do anything the
others can. Ardour just happens to present a pretty nice mixer
interface for *its* ports. You are free to not use it, write your own,
or do without such a mixer completely. Since the user controls how
clients connect to each other, no client can force itself on
others. If you want connect straight to the ALSA client, for example,
you can do so whether or not Ardour, alsaplayer, ecasound or jackbox
are running.
The only sense in which Ardour has a special relationship with JACK is
that I wrote them both (with help), and that Ardour's needs as a DAW
inform and extend some of the functionality offered by JACK. Latency
management and access to h/w-level monitoring are examples of
this. But any other client can use them as well.
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