Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA Specs ?
From: Dr. Matthias Nagorni (
Date: Wed May 15 2002 - 12:21:55 EEST
On Tue, 14 May 2002, Likai Liu wrote:
> also, I'm not going to decide for you what names you like. I mean, if I
> manage to come up with an API and actually publish it, it will come with
> a name (and hopefully a cool one). but at this moment I have not done
> so, so thinking of a name is a bit too early for that. ;-)
The outcome of the thread "A new audio plugin API ?" seems to be that it
is not necessary to extend LADSPA if certain additional information about
the ports is supplied. Of my extension proposals so far only the following
items survived the criticism of this list:
1) Default values
2) String lists for description of port values. This is to prevent port
names like "Waveform (0 = sine, 1 = saw, 2 = rectangle, 3= triangle)".
3) Categories
4) Maybe additional hints for special ports usable for synthesis control
via MIDI: gate, frequency, velocity
These things could be included in an additional XML file (although 1)
will be part of LADSPA 1.1 anyway). Steve already supplies XML files with his
plugins. So one would only have to agree upon a standard for these XML
files, right ?
-- Dr. Matthias Nagorni SuSE GmbH Deutschherrnstr. 15-19 phone: +49 911 74053375 D - 90429 Nuernberg fax : +49 911 74053483
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