Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA v1.1
From: Paul Davis (
Date: Tue May 21 2002 - 05:45:43 EEST
>> second, as has been said many times here, the "S" in LADSPA stands for
>> "Simple". LADSPA was never intended to be a complete plugin API. it
>right, but sufficiently simple borders on useless.
useless? steve's set plus ardour as the host (or possibly other apps)
provides me with a very rich working environment. there are very few
issues i have with LADSPA right now that are not shared by VST (for
example). the main ones would be the lack of string parameters and the
inability to use LADSPA plugins easily in a non-streaming/realtime
context. it has provide something for linux audio that wasn't there
before, and it has met just about every goal that was ever set for
it. simple, yes. useless, not even close.
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