Re: [linux-audio-dev] Writing a driver for this card: your thoughts?

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Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Writing a driver for this card: your thoughts?
From: Alexander Ehlert (
Date: Sat May 25 2002 - 00:56:22 EEST


> I'd like some idea how hard it would be to write an ALSA driver either
> as a
> compatibility layer on top of our existing driver, or from the ground
> up. I
> realise that this is rather a broad question, so please consider this an
> invitation to enter discussion, rather than a request for you to go off
> and do
> a lot of work for me.

With that amount of knowledge you have about your card, it actually
be to hard to develop a driver. I wrote a linux kernel driver for a
volume rendering
graphics card with reconfigurable hardware and an onboard DSP with less
I don't know about the interna of your HPI, but surely you need to
include some low level
code to do the PCI detection and setup of your card with linux. If
that's already in your
HPI it shouldn't be a problem to adapt that to write a wrapper for the
alsa lib.
If you want then you provide your dsp code and distribute it with alsa.
At least some amount of code
goes into the kernel and so has to meet Linus standards :-)

Alright, then. If you have any questions, I see no problem supporting
you, writing that driver.

Cheers, Alex

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