Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Does someone knows about RTP ??
From: John Lazzaro (lazzaro_AT_CS.Berkeley.EDU)
Date: Tue May 28 2002 - 21:28:43 EEST
Hi Nicolas,
There are advantages to writing your own RTP library
customized to the application -- sfront does this in its
implementation of MWPP, the MIDI RTP packetization we're
standardizing through the IETF. You can get a sense of the
complexity involved in writing a custom RTP library, by
looking as the sfront/src/lib/nsys/ directory in the latest
sfront distribution:
This implements both SIP and RTP, customized to sfront;
most of the complexity is in the MIDI packetization payload, not
the RTP header processing.
Also, you might want to consider adding support for the
MIDI RTP packetization as part of your project, if so see:
for the latest version, although you probably would want
to join the IETF AVT working group mailing list:
and track the changes in MWPP as it heads towards
standardization ...
John Lazzaro -- Research Specialist -- CS Division -- EECS -- UC Berkeley
lazzaro [at] cs [dot] berkeley [dot] edu
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