Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Writing a driver for this card: your thoughts?
From: Fred Gleason (
Date: Wed May 29 2002 - 01:37:06 EEST
On Tuesday 28 May 2002 18:40, Tim Orford wrote:
> So to get back to the original point, i'm sure the cards
> you mentioned are indeed fine cards, but if cost is no object
> (ha ha!) and if quality is your objective, then you will put your
> analogue converters in a separate box with a dedicated power
> supply.
I think we may be talking a little bit apples vs oranges here. I've you're a
recording studio and *need* 26 channels in/out, than an external rack mount
interface is unquestionably the way to go. AudioScience cards are aimed at a
very specific market segment (radio broadcast automation and control), and
such large outboard interfaces would be overkill there. Based on both lab
instrumentation and my own ears, they have solved the analog design issues
very well indeed.
|Frederick F. Gleason, Jr.|WAVA Radio - 105 FM |Voice: 1-(703)-807-2266 |
| Director of Engineering |1901 N. Moore Street| FAX: 1-(703)-807-2245 |
| |Arlington, VA 22209 | Web:|
| Diplomacy is to do and say, the nastiest thing in the nicest way. |
| -- Balfour |
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