Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Voltage: a vaporware audio/MIDI studio
From: Stefan Kost (
Date: Fri Jul 19 2002 - 12:07:13 EEST
Hi Arthur,
I've started with something like this too. Buzz is the only software, for what I
still use Windows. I've already registered a project called 'buzztard' on
sourcefore and started designing (and doing a few coding experiments). I think
we should try to see if our ideas fit together and probably join out efforts.
Another interesting development seems to be I currently try to
reach the autor (chimp) to ask him about cooperation. The main problem there is
thatthe original buzz autor seems to try to prevent people from building a
buzz-clone (chimp has reverse engineered a working player).
> I am designing a piece of MIDI/audio software for my own music making
> projects (and anyone else who wanted to use it of course). This is of
> course a large project. I would like anyone who is at all interested to
> please look over my design and tell me what you think. To quote my web
> page:
> Voltage is currently only vaporware. I have not started coding it. I
> have written a design document that describes what I want to see from
> voltage and how that might be done. Please look it over and drop me an
> email at to tell me of any mistakes I've made or
> things I've overlooked or things you think should be done differently.
> This is the first program of this scale that I've designed, so I'll need
> help (lots of help). I also want to know if you know of a piece of
> software or a collection of programs that provides similar functionality
> to what I envision in voltage.
> I am thinking about adding to Spiral Synth Modular so that it can
> provide what I want. Think of this design as a concept for a system that
> could be implemented many ways. I just need to find the best way.
> The design document is availale at:
> Thank you very much.
> -Arthur Peters
-- \|/ Stefan Kost <@ @> private business +-oOO-(_)-OOo------------------------------------------------------ - - - - - | __ Address Zwenkauer Str. 24 HTWK Leipzig, Fb IMN, Postfach 300066 | /// 04277 Leipzig 04277 Leipzig | __ /// Germany Germany | \\\/// Phone +49341 3910483 +49341 30766101 | \__/ EMail | WWW ===-=-=--=---=---------------------------------- - - - - -
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