Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Re: Voltage: a vaporware audio/MIDI studio
From: nick (
Date: Mon Jul 22 2002 - 01:14:41 EEST
On Sun, 2002-07-21 at 21:56, Arthur Peters wrote:
> basicly wanted to create a better and more powerful Buzz on linux.
I haven't seen buzz running, I've been checking it out on the web
though.. As an aside i'm working on a fruityloops - type program.. a lot
more work to do though :/
> be used as a complete soft synth. My goal was not to provide tools to
> build synths, although I would not try to stop someone who wanted to do
> that.
Ah, i see. we were thinking alike then. I can't see how building a synth
in that way can ever yeild good performance..
> it needs. I've just rethought this idea and realized it works for
> MIDI-like data, too. The problem will come if I try to divide the
you've got me thinking in that direction now, and i'm getting some
> machine execution into two threads and since I have dual CPU system that
> would be fairly early, but I think this problem is solvable.
With many plugins it would be trivially do-able, _depending_ on how the
various plugins are connected. But i can envisage it being nightmarish!
> PS: I've been thinking about this project and I've realized that I
> probably don't have a real reason to write Voltage. I think I could
> patch together a system to do what I need using programs that are
> already out there, but I also really want to write Voltage. It would
> easier to use, better integrated with its self and it would much closer
> to what I want. If anyone has any tips or advise for this non-technical,
> but very difficult dilemma please drop me an email.
Personally, I want a decent plugin API so I can write my softsynths :)
And a step sequencer which will integrate well so I can compose at last.
If i could do that with a voltage API at least, i'd be a very happy man.
If you want to get that interface working first, (ie soonish) it'd save
me a whole lotta hassle coming up with my own.
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