Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Re: Voltage: a vaporware audio/MIDI studio
From: Arthur Peters (
Date: Sun Jul 21 2002 - 23:56:57 EEST
I think I misreprisented my self a bit. Several comments have been made
about the low level nature of Voltage. That's not how I ment it. I
basicly wanted to create a better and more powerful Buzz on linux.
People could of course write low level plugins, but the main goal is
full scale song creation and/or live proformance.
I think the Sine->Freeverb example was a bad one. It's just the first
thing that popped into my head. I do want to have an oscillator and an
envelope plugin, but this is only because you can create some beautiful
sounds using just a single wave of some shape, so the oscillator would
be used as a complete soft synth. My goal was not to provide tools to
build synths, although I would not try to stop someone who wanted to do
On Fri, 2002-07-19 at 16:38, nick wrote:
> Im not too sure about each plugin having its own thread though. IMO it
> just complicates the programming, would be a performance hit while not
> offering many advantages?
I think you're right. I've had a realization about this. There is a
program called Spiral Synth Modular that does many of the things I want
(in fact I may very well drop the Voltage idea and help with SSM). It
recursively walks the schematic (as I call it or design as SSM calls it)
and creates a ordered list of all the machines so that if you step
though the list executing each machine, every machine will have the data
it needs. I've just rethought this idea and realized it works for
MIDI-like data, too. The problem will come if I try to divide the
machine execution into two threads and since I have dual CPU system that
would be fairly early, but I think this problem is solvable.
Thanks to all for the verious pieces of advise. It has been very useful.
PS: I've been thinking about this project and I've realized that I
probably don't have a real reason to write Voltage. I think I could
patch together a system to do what I need using programs that are
already out there, but I also really want to write Voltage. It would
easier to use, better integrated with its self and it would much closer
to what I want. If anyone has any tips or advise for this non-technical,
but very difficult dilemma please drop me an email.
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