Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Voltage: a vaporware audio/MIDI studio
From: nick (
Date: Sat Jul 20 2002 - 00:38:01 EEST
I like it.
Especially the strict C++ design. I'm designing and implementing (its
already working to a degree) a midi/audio plugin architecture in C++,
but the idea was to be higher level, similar to VST. atm its just to
ease my writing of soft synths, since LADSPA doesnt seem to cater for
this, and neither does JACK. Its not ready to show yet though. Oh, and
i'm using GTK-- too :)
Im not too sure about each plugin having its own thread though. IMO it
just complicates the programming, would be a performance hit while not
offering many advantages?
Using plugins for tiny things (like oscillators, in your example) is not
the best use for them either IMO. But then again I could quite likely be
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