Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] App intercomunication issues, some views.
From: Paul Davis (
Date: Tue Jul 23 2002 - 17:23:40 EEST
>On Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 09:23:27 -0400, Paul Davis wrote:
>> >If you actaully want to deal with raw MIDI (you'd be mad, but...) then its
>> >OK, as the maximum ammount of data per jack unit time is pretty small, but
>> >I agree, it's better dealt with via the alsa api.
>> struct jack_midi_buffer_t {
>> unsigned int event_cnt;
>> WhateverTheALSASequencerEventTypeIsCalled events[0];
>> };
>Right, but it seems silly when there are so many alsa sequencer apps out
>there. Though, having the audio and MIDI unified in one connection API
>does seem tempting.
for me, its more than tempting. none of the existing ALSA MIDI
sequencers have JACK support (that i know of). MusE is the only MIDI
sequencer with somewhat functional audio sequencing, and it doesn't
yet have JACK support (some people have suggested that Rosengarden
does audio too, but it seems to me that its firmly oriented towards
MIDI). this means that when/if those apps switch to using JACK, it
would be reasonable to have them use it for MIDI as well. and note:
the above API takes care, just as the audio side does, of a whole heap
of issues and handling. the "events" array would contain only the
events needed to be dealt with during the current time slice; they are
neatly packaged as an array; no connection setup with the sequencer is
done by the JACK client application code.
to me, its fairly compelling. the ALSA sequencer would of course
underlie it.
finally, i suspect that there are less ALSA sequencer apps than ALSA
PCM apps. the latter number didn't act as a large disincentive to
develop JACK ...
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