Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Modular Jack patch bay
From: Dave Robillard (
Date: Mon Feb 02 2004 - 18:50:04 EET
On Mon, 2004-02-02 at 10:21, Jesse Chappell wrote:
> Dave Robillard wrote on Mon, 02-Feb-2004:
> > > One thing that might be handy would be a "show connected ports only"
> > > button for each client. So you could hide e.g. all those track_out_N
> > > ports for hydrogen.
> >
> > Not a bad idea.. certainly not on by default, but it would be nice to
> > have hydrogen appear sane.
> Heh, note that if you aren't using Hydrogen's track outputs for
> anything you can turn them off in the preferences.... saving some
> resources probably.
Hmm.. so there is. I swear I looked for that before. That makes using
hydrogen with alsa-patch-bay a lot more pleasant..
> About a name... there's always 'jamp', which is at least pronouncable.
Yep, that's the working title.
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