Subject: Re: MID vs MOD - WAS : Re: [linux-audio-dev] ".mid" files playing in Linux games
From: Dominic Genest (
Date: Mon Feb 02 2004 - 20:23:51 EET
> I think perhaps a better terminology might be "ideation" and
> "realization". But again, ideation has nothing to do with a file format.
No matter which word we choose, the choice of a file format highly influences
the level of abstraction of the idea the file expresses.
Think about a webpage. Imagine your favorite website as a single big ".GIF"
image map instead of an HTML structure. Well it could work and probably even
look good, but you couldn't extract some part of its text easily, you
couldn't search it with one of your browser's commands, you couldn't enlarge
text with automatic page reformatting without overloading the width of your
screen, etc.
That's because the ".gif" would describe the website at a much lower level
(the pixels), or most of the "realization" would be already done if you
prefer. Then (what I and many other people call) the intention is lost in
favor of the extension.
In this example, the "gif" file describes pixels as the "wav" file (or parts
of ".mod") describes sound pressure in function of time ; while the "html"
file describes the wanted quite abstract layout of the page as the "mid" file
describes notes having to be played and instrument choices.
-- Dominic Genest Étudiant 3e cycle Département d'Informatique et de Génie Logiciel Université Laval 97010111
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