Subject: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA + GUI?
From: Juhana Sadeharju (
Date: Mon Feb 02 2004 - 21:52:59 EET
What is "/dev/shm"? How it is used? "df" shows:
none 62812 0 62812 0% /dev/shm
What about the following idea?
My LADSPA plugin would allocate a segment of shared memory from "/dev/shm".
That is possible because most likely all Linuxes have that device.
Then somehow I create a backdoor for LADSPA controls. The backdoor goes
through the shared memory segment. Finally, I would write an independent
GTK application which provides my own GUI to the plugin.
If one does not use the GTK application, then all what is available
are controls provided by the host.
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