Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Software with source code?
From: Stefan Nitschke (
Date: Tue Feb 03 2004 - 21:53:49 EET
>From: "Andreas Kuckartz" <>
>Reply-To: "The Linux Audio Developers' Mailing
>To: "Stefan Nitschke" <>
>CC: "The Linux Audio Developers' Mailing
>Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Software with source code?
>Date: 3 Feb 2004 19:42:13 +0100
>Stefan Nitschke wrote:
> > >I like this idea (particularly because accidentally downloading
> > >proprietary garbage won't happen, *ahemRTSynth/digeridooahem*).
> > >
> > No problem, I canceled any support for Linux from now until ever.
>I would understand if you "canceled any support" for the author of the
>insulting lines - but blaming Linux or the Linux-Community is just as
Its not my intention to blame Linux or the Linux-Community but it is
in consequence the only way to prevent such postings in the future.
As such postings are not good for Linux in general... I still have
the partly strange postings about "reborn" in mind... I came to the
conclusion that leaving would cause less damage.
Anyway I am still on this list...;)
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