Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] wcnt linear filters
From: Tim Goetze (
Date: Wed Feb 04 2004 - 02:49:26 EET
James W. Morris wrote:
>>resonant filters use recursion; the algorithm sometimes is coded as
>>'take this input sample and give me an output sample' for readability
>>but is easily adapted to arrays.W
>I think that maybe wcnt does both, all the modules process one sample at a
>time, and the filters
>add one sample to the array every time after processing x samples in filter
>array to get average for the one output sampleM
whatever you need to do to get the job done .. but it's usually
better to unify.
>>the maths behind them are intricate
>>(to me at least), D
>likewise; I had a look at harmony central (fairly helpful) which concreted
>realisation that I definately had not got any graspA of resonance in my
>filters. I looked in eq cookbook, there were bits and pieces which I had no
>more than vague notions of.
the cookbook is a bitch to read without the background. i guess it's
meant to serve as a quick lookup sheet for people who know the stuff
but can't remember the exact numbers. if you're looking for bi-quads,
those in ecasound seem to follow the cookbook iirc.
>>you'll find code exampleHs for the
>>algorithm and the compuAtation of the recursion coefficients in almost
>>every major audio synthesis/processing package or at .
>hmmm, I keep putting off loRoking at other peoples code, it's all greek to
that's not good, if i may say so. use the source, luke ... you know
that drill. there's truth to it. read it, dig it, make it yours.
>I've not had much chance to uDse ladspa. I've compiled glame to use it's
>filter network, but there seems to be inputs and outputs Olacking, many are
>mono, I can't read a stereo file, through a reverb and out to another stereo
>Tfile, or from a stereo input on soundcard, through fx, to file, so I've
>given up on glame (again), plus I don't like how it wont delete the deleted
why not implement ladspa support in your application? it's quite
simple to do, and opens a world of sound manipulation.
>no idea what this means: above fs/4 IIRC -- not too worried about it
1/4 sampling rate, or 11 kHz in a 44 kHz system. i'm not worried about
it either since i never run the svf even near that high a cutoff
>Well, I guess I'll try and learn from otheTrs code at long last, and nip on
>over to
yes! do so. :)
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