Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Software with source code?
From: Dave Robillard (
Date: Wed Feb 04 2004 - 06:27:23 EET
On Tue, 2004-02-03 at 21:57, Paul Davis wrote:
> >In YOUR opinion. In MY opinion, proprietary software is "not good for
> >Linux in general". Our opinions differ, deal with it.
> >
> >At no point did I say you shouldn't have the right to release your
> >software under whatever license you want. I said I personally consider
> >it "garbage", and I do.
> You are welcome to your opinion, and you are free to voice it here,
> there and everywhere. But with freedom comes ... you guessed it,
> responsibility. Responsibility to respect others and others' work.
*sigh* alright....
To clarify (and I realize I obviously miscommunicated significantly), I
didn't mean to imply RTSynth is garbage quality software.
I meant to say:
- Proprietary software is, in general garbage, to me.
- Thus, I find it annoying to accidentally download what is completely
useless to me. (So a list of free software would be good, etc. etc. on
- RTSynth and Digeridoo are examples of software where this situation
On a quality-of-software basis, quite the opposite is true. The reason
that situation is so annoying to me is I was genuinely interested in the
software (ie I really wanted to see just how a digeridoo was simulated,
and was excited at the possibilities, musically and code-wise).
If I thought the software itself was "garbage", I wouldn't care about my
inability to use/see it. So the fact that I'm disappointed in the fact
it's proprietary if anything implies that I think the software is
somewhat cool.
I sincerely didn't even consider this "your software = crap"
interpretation. I don't make it a habit of anonymously flaming people's
projects in public forums.
So please, end of thread. I apologize for my lack of proofreading (but
not my views)
-Dave ("just another zealot", right?)
P.S. Despite my utmost respect for you Paul, I still wouldn't really
give a crap if you called me a 'moronic lump of turd' ;)
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