Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] hdsp+latency questions
From: d (
Date: Thu Feb 12 2004 - 14:21:22 EET
thank you thomas an paul!
after a night of configuring an testing i can safely go down to 512
frames. 256 is a bit xruny.
the whole issue seems to be related to my specific laptop. everything
(e.g. 128 frames) works fine on a new centrino laptop with the same
things i noticed (in case someone has a similar setup):
*) i downgraded the bios of my dell i8000 from version A22 to A20 which
brought the biggest improvement. acpi seems to be handled differently in
newer bois versions.
*) using X11 with nv driver instead of nvidia's closed source driver
brings slight improvements. jackd without xserver running also brings
better results (no dramatic changes though)
*) kernel 2.4.22+lowlat+capabilities performs far better for me than
2.6.1+cap+realtime module
*) CONFIG_ACPI_RELAXED_AML does not seem to change the situation on my dell.
>>*) is anybody successfully using hdsp-cardbus with really low latencies ?
-- Military intelligence is a contradiction in terms. -- Groucho Marx
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