Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] hdsp+latency questions
From: Paul Davis (
Date: Wed Feb 11 2004 - 15:06:54 EET
>*) is anybody successfully using hdsp-cardbus with really low latencies ?
many people, including myself, use it down to 64 frames (i have a few
problems at 64 frames under heavy load).
>*) how important is the firmware version - which firmware version should
>i use for my hdsp card?
not relevant.
>*) did anyone else notice increasing cpu load with audio-apps + kernel
>2.6.x ?
2.6.x is known not to be as good as 2.4+low_lat
>*) any hints about configuring X11 for linux-audio (besides from DRI
>questions ;-) ?
not from me, sorry.
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