Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] GarageBand
From: Doug Wellington (
Date: Fri Feb 13 2004 - 16:51:38 EET
>There is a thread on Slashdot about Apples much hyped music production
>thingie christened "GarageBand".
>It appears to me to be very inefficient. From what I can read, it
>handles only a very few voices and very few audio-tracks. Actually, I
>think it sucks!
>Anybody care to comment?
Huh... You sound envious actually... ;-) Why is everybody so busy
trying to find fault with this thing? If it's so horrible, everybody
can just ignore it, right?
GarageBand is like anything else - the more tracks, the more softsynths
and the more amp models you add, the more cpu it uses. It's definitely
the best product in the category though...
-Doug (The price is right - can't argue about "free"...)
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