Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] oss2jack 0.13: A kernel-based approach to using OSS applications with jackd
From: Kor Nielsen (
Date: Tue Feb 24 2004 - 20:20:10 EET
On Tue, 2004-02-24 at 03:27, Florian Schmidt wrote:
> Please test with Teamspeak [dunno, if it uses mmap though. i don't think
> so]. This is one of the killer apps for linux gaming [when i hang out in
> #alsa, this is one of the most frequently asked questions: "my soundcard
> #doesn't dupport hw mixing: how do i get teamspeak and quake3 running
> #simultaneously?".. my answer was [until today]: "you're screwed"]
I'll give it a try. I will have to add recording support to oss2jack
first though.
> > TODO:
> >
> > - detect jackd period for audio sync (currently assumes 64 samples).
> > Should not be too noticeable unless you get above a 256 sample
> > period)
> Soundcards have a wide range of available periodsizes. My soundcard for
> example cannot go above 512 for full duple jack operation. Some other
> cards have fixed period sizes of 1024 or above.. So this can become a
> serious problem..
This is very easy to fix. I just need to account for the jack period
when processing ioctls like SNDCTL_DSP_GETODELAY and friends.
> >
> > - lower CPU usage with artsd by blocking until the minimum fragment
> > size is available (rather than the jackd period)
> >
> > - support for the OSS mixer.
> Hmm, can't the OSS mixer stil be provided by kernel level oss emu
> [snd-mixer-oss]?
Yes, but only on those sound cards that have a hardware mixer. I was
thinking it might be fun to offer the option to adjust the volume on a
per-app basis. IE, if you turn down the volume in xmms, it only affects
those streams opened by xmms.
> > WARNING: I have not yet tested oss2jack on the 2.4 series kernel..
> > Currently I am using a self-created 2.6 patch for fusd available at
> > the site above. It has been stable for the past 3 weeks on my machine,
> > but no guarantees about stability or safety... :)
> >
> > fusd currently requires that devfs be enabled in the kernel.
> Another problem: devfs is marked deprecated.. I would guess that only
> about 1/4 [max] of the linux users nowadays use devfs [i'm not one of
> them], so this can become a problem, too..
This is actively being worked on by the fusd developers. I think they
may have a non-devfs version in CVS by now. I'm not sure if it supports
the 2.6 kernel yet though...
> BTW: thanks for the effort. This can become very useful, as many people
> are yearning for mixing playback streams and sharing capture streams in
> OSS apps.. I'm not a kernel hacker, but i would be glad to help if i
> can..
oss2jack itself is 100% userspace. Implementing mmap in fusd will
require some kernel knowledge. I'll accept any useful oss2jack patches.
Thanks for the comments,
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