Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Freeze?
From: Robert Jonsson (
Date: Wed Feb 25 2004 - 21:52:22 EET
On Wednesday 25 February 2004 20.25, Juhana Sadeharju wrote:
> Hello.
> Recently Logic 6's Freeze feature was mentioned here, and Freeze
> is mentioned in a new interview at Emagic's webpage:
> Q: Any other favorite feature in Logic 6, that you use most?
> Boris Blank [of Yello]: I think Freeze is ingenious. [ ... ]
> I'm wondering did Emagic borrow the idea from this list, as the
> freeze feature was discussed here at november 2001. And soon after
> that the feature stands in their software.
Me guesses you are referring to
this:[] message I posted back then.
I'd have to say that they where probably not influenced by that, if they where
their implementation would have been much more advanced and definitely cooler
Besides, the ideas might have been new for audio purposes but the technology
in itself is not new. The ideas suggested where adaptations of similar
features in the 3d-graphics world. Logic may very well have peeked that way
I still think about this from time to time and I would really like to see a
REAL implementation of the proposal. :-)
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