Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Freeze?
From: Benjamin Flaming (
Date: Thu Feb 26 2004 - 18:54:57 EET
On Thursday 26 February 2004 10:25 am, Paul Davis wrote:
> > I want my plug-ins frozen the instant I close the parameter editor.
> > ;)
> oh, you don't want to do any graphical editing of plugin parameter
> automation? :))
Well then - as soon as I stop editing the automation data ;)
> > Agreed, it's a very definite trade-off - storage space for CPU
> > cycles. It is my observation, however, that storage space is cheap, and
> > readilly available.
> not my experience.
It's a renewable resource. When I archive a multi-gigabyte song, I have
more storage space. My CPU power stays the same, however. It's also
(generally) easy to throw in another hard drive - giving me the storage I had
before *plus* whatever I've added. If I change the CPU, the old one
(normally) can't contribute DSP anymore.
> sure, but thats a subset of all busses. its not a bus per se.
It's not terribly common right now because lots of extra aux inputs make
for a bulkier and harder-to-manage mix. Effects sends would be less
important when working with a tree structure, because the impact of the
inherent DSP savings would be diminished by offline rendering.
> have you actually experienced how long it takes to "re-render"?
> steve's suggestion is an interesting one (use regular playback to
> render), but it seems to assume that the user will play the session
> from start to finish. if you're mixing, the chances are that you will
> be playing bits and pieces of of the session. so when do you get a
> chance to re-render? are you going to tie up disk bandwidth and CPU
> cycles while the user thinks they are just editing? OK, so you do it
> when the transport is idle - my experience is that you won't be done
> rendering for a long time, and you're also going to create a suprising
> experience for the user at some point - CPU utilization will vary
> notable over time, in ways that the user can't predict.
You bring up some interesting points here. One thing I hadn't mentioned
is that Tinara is intended for eventual use with a render farm. I quickly
realized, however, that it needed to be capable of running on a single
machine - if only for testing purposes. Understand, therefore, that local
offline rendering in this project is little more than a stopgap measure. The
question of when rendering takes place on a local machine is one which I've
changed my mind on countless times. I'd played with the idea of writing live
playback to the disk as a rendering technique, but things like reverbs need
to be processed in an uninterrupted stream.
I admit that the idea of stopping rendering when playback starts was
short-sighted. I tend to spend a lot of time editing, and this clouded my
thinking. As previously stated, however, I've changed my mind on this kind
of thing quite often - particularly over the past couple of weeks.
> you also seem to assume that the transport being stopped implies no
> audio streaming by the program. in ardour (and most other DAWs), this
> simply isn't true. ardour's CPU utilization doesn't vary very much
> whether the transport is idle or not, unless you have a lot of track
> automation, in which case it will go up a bit when rolling.
I'm aware of this - Pro Tools is the same way. The decision to stop
processing when the transport is stopped was based on two factors:
1. It allows more DSP power for local offline rendering.
2. Things like reverb will stop with the transport anyway, once they've been
rendered. I thought the behavior should be as consistent as possible.
OTOH, it would be nice to hear the reverb tail while editing the
parameters - so maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. In fact, I
think you've talked me out of it :)
> the focusing part seems great, but seems to be more of a GUI issue
> than a fundamental backend one. it would be quite easy in ardour, for
> example, to have a way to easily toggle track+strip views rather than
> display them all.
There are other reasons for the tree structure. It makes it very easy to
navigate to a particular audio element, and process it with an external
program. It also allows storage and organization of non-audio data, such as
Csound instruments or Hydrogen songs, inside the same directory hierarchy.
You could, for instance, store the Hydrogen song right inside the Drums
branch, and a future version of Tinara could automatically open the file in a
future version of Hydrogen, connecting the two applications via JACK.
I looked very seriously at trying to implement the things I want in
Ardour. My conclusion, however, was that there are some fundmental design
differences which would make some of my overall goals impractical. (More on
this below).
> the DSP power part seems like a good idea, but i think its much, much
> more difficult than you are anticipating. i've been wrong many times
> before though.
It will be very difficult - but it's the program I've been wanting to use
for years. Now that I've started, I'm highly motivated to see it through :)
> and btw, the reason Ardour looks a lot like PT is that it makes it
> accessible to many existing users. whether or not ardour's internal
> design looks like PT, i don't know. i would hope that ardour's
> development process has allowed us to end up with a much more powerful
> and flexible set of internal objects that can allow many different
> models for editing, mixing and so forth to be constructed. the backend
> isn't particularly closely connected in any sense, including the
> object level, to the GUI.
Part of the reason I'm skeptical of using Ardour as a foundation for what
I'm trying to do, is that I think there are some fundamental differences in
what we are trying to accomplish.
Ardour is intended to function as a real-time DAW, with offline rendering
capabilities. Tinara is intended to be an offline compositing system, with a
front-end for editing and real-time previewing - which may sometimes be lower
quality than the final rendered result.
Ardour is a DAW system with many powerful new features, which still
remains comfortably familiar to users of other high-end audio applications (I
consider this a Very Good Thing(TM) BTW). Tinara is a node-based compositing
system which would probably be of little interest to most experienced DAW
users - it will require a different working style, and it will require
thinking about editing, mixing, and processing, in a fundmentally different
way, if it is to be used effectively.
Ultimately, Ardour is what the audio industry wants, and Tinara is what I
want ;) I may yet end up deciding to use parts of Ardour for things like
live disk streaming, but I think both projects have something to offer which
is unique enough to justify separate development.
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