Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] DRC 2.4.0
From: Denis Sbragion (
Date: Fri Feb 27 2004 - 13:10:55 EET
Hello Steve,
At 09.22 27/02/2004 +0000, you wrote:
>Ah. OK. How do the other libraries you're using benchmark against FFTW3?
don't understand if you're referring to my FFT routines or the others. My
FFT routines are about 10 times slower than GSL FFT, which are about 3 to 4
times slower than FFTW3, so probaly they are 30 to 40 times slower than
FFTW3. My FFT routines are far from interesting, apart from being written
in c++ using the native STL complex dataype and being compact and easy to use.
The GSL mixed radix FFT is reported to be 3 to 4 times slower than
FFTW3 in the FFTW3 web sites, the Ooura ones are instead reported as 30-40%
slower than FFTW3 (they're only radix 2 though), but in my tests they seems
to be no more than 20-30% faster than GSL mixed radix, so they should be
much slower than FFTW3. The Ooura website report them as being a little
faster than FFTW2 (see
Don't know if it is the way I use them (I perform really long FFTs
of complex data, the FFTW3 benchmark instead stops at around 260.000
items), or just the FFTW3 benchmark that is using different versions, but
my data don't correlate really well with the FFTW3 benchmarks. Anyway take
all this data with a grain of salt, these are just my impressions, not
accurately measured benchmarks, which by itself should be taken already
with more than a grain of salt.
-- Denis Sbragion InfoTecna Tel: +39 0362 805396, Fax: +39 0362 805404 URL:
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