Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] missing fonts in VST plugins: RESOLVED
From: Dave Phillips (
Date: Wed Jul 21 2004 - 17:30:17 EEST
Hi Michael:
After some Googling I realiuzed I simply didn't have the original MS
TTF fonts anywhere on my system, so I grabbed them from my Better Half's
machine, installed them, edited /etc/XF86Config, and still got no joy.
Then I tried as you suggested, linking the fonts from
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/msttfonts to ~/c/windows/Fonts, and voila, I
have fonts in the plugins again. Thanks for the suggestion !
Michael Ost wrote:
>On Tue, 2004-07-20 at 21:23, Dave Phillips wrote:
>> A while ago I was mucking around with fonts to work with Finale under
>>WINE. I don't know what I did, but now when I run a VST instrument the
>>fonts have been replaced by little empty squares. If anyone can help
>>I'll provide the details and images to clarify what's happening. I'm
>>hoping it's an easy fix...
>I can't explain your problem specifically, but we have had good luck
>solving various font problems by using Wine's own font rendering. We put
>symlinks to truetype fonts in c/windows/Fonts (whereever that is on your
>system). We symlinked from TTF fonts preinstalled with X at
>This cleared up lots of font problems we were having on various
>Fonts with X were a nightmare. I spent days on them and was still left
>confused. This has been easy and works well for us. And it lets X apps
>and Wine apps use the same font files.
>There are also some font aliases and settings in $HOME/.wine/config
>which let you say what the default font is, where fonts can be found,
>and so on.
>Finally, you can turn on debug tracing in wine and see what fonts it is
>looking for. With recent wines try something like:
>WINEDEBUG=+trace,font wine (your app here)
>WINEDEBUG=+trace,text wine (your app here)
>Wine will tell you what it is up to, and what font it is substituting
>for the requested font.
>- mo
>PS: you've got to have a fairly recent Wine for this to work. I think
>TrueType support showed up last Summer or so...?
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