Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Linux/Alsa Tascam US-122 Issues
From: Karsten Wiese (
Date: Mon Sep 27 2004 - 12:57:14 EEST
Am Sonntag 26 September 2004 20:34 schrieb Antonio Willy Malara:
> everyone knows this issue? or knows the versions of alsa/kernel this
> card will work well? the device is surely working because i use well on
> osx with audacity
Erm, yes. All of you using ohci usb with recent snd-usb-usx2y will know this
For the moment I can only recommend to use an earlier version. (don't konw
exactly which one....don't have no ohci-usb....)
I've got something cooking to solve this, but don't know when it will be
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