Re: [linux-audio-dev] jack and alsa design issue

From: Jack O'Quin <joq@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Mar 21 2005 - 06:36:26 EET

Paul Davis <paul@email-addr-hidden> writes:

>>> >emulate that when using ALSA. Someday, when jack starts itself as
>>> >needed (as I understand is planned), I wouldn't need to support ALSA.
>>> current versions of JACK already do this if the client uses
>>> jack_client_open().=20
>>Do you mean jack_client_new()? Even without JACK_START_SERVER[1]
>>defined? 0.99.0?

That works, too. Define JACK_START_SERVER in your application before
you call jack_client_new().

The new interface is better, though. You might as well use it for any
new code you're writing. We continue to support jack_client_new(), as

> no, jack_client_open(). its a new API call, designed to deal with the
> inadequacies of jack_client_new() without breaking every existing client.
> this covers the current release, not the version in CVS. the version
> in CVS is actually better in every way that the current release - we
> are anxious to wrap up the remaining details so that a new release can
> be made.

Here's a description of the new interface...

It's been stable and working in CVS for several months now. It will
be included in a new JACK release, Real Soon Now. Go ahead and give
it a try.

Received on Mon Mar 21 08:15:08 2005

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