[linux-audio-dev] ZynAddSubFX 2.2.0 release

From: Paul <paulgfx@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Apr 08 2005 - 20:44:00 EEST

I released version 2.2.0 of ZynAddSubFX
        - the VST version of ZynAddSubFX is removed
from the instalation until it will be more stable
(hope soon :) )
        - now, the instrument banks contains over 300
high quality instruments
        - added "Apply" a button from OscilGen window
for PADsynth
        - added another parameter to ADsynth that
controls the amount of all detunes of voices
        - adaptive harmonics postprocess
        - improved the VU-meter and added a RMS plot
        - Dvorak support for Virtual Keyboard
        - many bugs fixed and code cleanups

ZynAddSubFX is a open-source software synthesizer for
linux and windows.
You can download it from


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Received on Sat Apr 9 00:15:08 2005

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