Re: [linux-audio-dev] Chionic 1.0.0 Final (Sampler) Released!!

From: <torbenh@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Apr 09 2005 - 16:50:40 EEST

On Sat, Apr 09, 2005 at 08:31:31AM -0400, Paul Davis wrote:
> >I'm over with the development of chionic, on it's first release. I have
> >to sadly accept that as much as it works the way I want, I cant
> >communicate my sequencer to chionic in the way I need (because Jackd is
> >too poor to do it the proper way).
> [... ]
> >DEVELOPMENT (or until Jackd matures enough.. yeah right :)
> this style of complaining about the lack of MIDI in jackd is
> irritating, to say the least.
> jack was not written with the goal of handling non-streaming
> byte-oriented protocols. despite that, ian esten managed to add MIDI
> support very rapidly (less than a week, including 2 complete
> reimplementations).
> the reason jackd doesn't have MIDI support is that ian went to work
> for a rather large commercial audio software+hardware company, which
> raised difficult issues about our ability to accept his code. it has
> taken a long time (too long) to get an official and unambiguous
> release from the company to make it clear that they have absolutely no
> claims on jack-midi.
> if jack-midi is so important to you, take the work that ian post to
> LAD (which is unambigously clear of any claims because it was written
> before he started working there) and fix up the issues with
> it. otherwise, please quit whining as if it was someone's job to
> provide you with the facilities you want.
> jack will support MIDI, its just hard to predict the timescale right
> now.

paul, can you please post a link to the latest jack-midi patch ?
its very hard to find with google. :(

then we can define the issues with it.

from my memory:

- merging of midi streams did not work correctly.
  (it only sorted the events in correct timestamp order)
  running status was not handled correctly.

- alsa-seq bridges were not implemented.
  we need them for the hardware ports at least.
  and as long as the apps are not ported to jack-midi.

torben Hohn -- The graphical Audio language
Received on Sat Apr 9 20:15:05 2005

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