Re: [linux-audio-dev] jack_process and pitch-shifting

From: Erik de Castro Lopo <>
Date: Fri Apr 22 2005 - 23:44:53 EEST

On Fri, 22 Apr 2005 19:48:47 +0200
Olivier Guilyardi <ml@email-addr-hidden> wrote:

> About vary speed : I could use libsoundtouch instead of libsamplerate,
> but I'm not sure the former can compare to the later's quality.

Last time I looked, libsoundtouch used linear interpolation for
doing vary speed. Linear interpolation is evil. Here is a table
from a talk I presented a the audio minconf attached the LCA.

The table is for doing linear interpolation for sample rate
converting from 44100 to 48000. The signal is a single sine wave
at the frequencies in the left column. The right column is the
measured signal to noise ratio at the output:

        333 Hz & 146.0 dB \\
        666 Hz & 115.8 dB \\
        1332 Hz & 103.8 dB \\
        2664 Hz & 49.8 dB \\
        5328 Hz & 38.7 dB \\
        10656 Hz & 28.4 dB \\
        21312 Hz & 19.5 dB \\

Linear interpolation is simply no damn good unless you are *positive*
the maximum frequency in your source material is less that 0.06 of
the sample rate. For any real world signal, this is simply not the

Secondly, I think the pitch shifter in libsoundtouch works by doing
time stretching first and then vary speed on top of that (someone
please correct me if I am wrong). In this is the case, it might be
possible to replace the second vary speed stage with the vary
speed from libsamplerate.


  Erik de Castro Lopo (Yes it's valid)
"Windows was created to keep stupid people away from UNIX."
  -- Tom Christiansen
Received on Sat Apr 23 00:15:12 2005

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