Re: [linux-audio-dev] ANNOUNCE: Linux Audio Cluster

From: Dave Robillard <drobilla@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Apr 27 2005 - 07:06:17 EEST

On Tue, 2005-26-04 at 18:41 +0200, Ralf Beck wrote:
> The ultimate goal is to have a fanless Mini-ITX in the studio running the GUI
> and the nodes processing the audio next door.
> The sequencers on the nodes are themselves gui-less and be controlled
> from a single GUI on the host. Tracks being identified by NIC:Node:Track .

FWIW, I can already do this with Om (, but that
only covers synthesis/processing (modular style), not sequencing. I
don't think sequencing and audio processing should be all mish-mashed
together, unless you have a good reason to do so...

I'm very much into the idea of networked audio processing, perhaps we
can leverage each other's work?

That is, if I can concretely figure out what you actually want to do -
do you have a link? Anything other than an abstract list of goals?
That's not much of an 'annoucement' :)

Received on Wed Apr 27 08:15:15 2005

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