Re: [linux-audio-dev] ANNOUNCE: Linux Audio Cluster

From: Tim Orford <tim@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Apr 28 2005 - 19:38:49 EEST

On Wed, Apr 27, 2005 at 06:46:12PM +0200, Ralf Beck wrote:
> > That is, if I can concretely figure out what you actually want to do -
> > do you have a link? Anything other than an abstract list of goals?
> > That's not much of an 'annoucement' :)
> Would you have read the message, if it were no announcement ;-)

It would be good to have some kind of introduction. I think there
are lots of implied assumptions that other people are not party to.
This is a complicated subject which interacts with many other
subsystems. I have too many questions to even know where to start :-)

But this lack of higher level documentation is a common problem. By
diving straight into the details, huge numbers of project homepages
leave the newcomer with absolutely no idea what the project is actually

Anyway i think its cool that you're doing this, and i hope it will
be done in a general purpose way so it can be widely used. Best of luck!

Tim Orford
Received on Thu Apr 28 20:15:20 2005

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