On Fri, 29 Apr 2005 15:26:12 +0200
"J_Zar, Gianluca Romanin" <romaninz@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> How can I re-use Jack, Ardour and alsamodular as a full audio engine library?
Jack is an audio routing daemon. From what I hear, it is equivalent to
rewire on win32.
Multiple programs can connect to Jack, and using Jackctrl, the outputs
of one program can be routed to the inputs of another and finally,
the jack output can be routed to the audio outputs.
All of the programs are sample locked.
Please do look at this before you even start to think about writing any code.
-- +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Erik de Castro Lopo nospam@email-addr-hidden-nerd.com (Yes it's valid) +-----------------------------------------------------------+ "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." --Brian KernighanReceived on Fri Apr 29 20:15:17 2005
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