Re: [linux-audio-dev] GTK performance?

From: Steve Harris <S.W.Harris@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Apr 29 2005 - 17:43:19 EEST

On Fri, Apr 29, 2005 at 07:30:31AM +0200, Jens M Andreasen wrote:
> I have top running as well. Here the interesting part is the difference
> between (100% - 'idle time') and the sum of running processes. In the
> case at hand there is 0% idle but only 65% used, indicating that some
> heavy cache trashing might be going on. The X server uses almost
> everything. Mmm, wait ... There is also 9% system time, probably the
> pipe into the X server.

Top is pretty useless for measuring loads that aren't constant. It seems
to sample CPU loads at instants in time, which is why top is always high
on the list. I tend to use gkrellm.

- Steve
Received on Fri Apr 29 20:15:18 2005

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