Re: [linux-audio-dev] Sequencer Concept Addition

From: Tim Orford <tim@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Apr 30 2005 - 18:32:59 EEST

hi Thorsten

looks nice.

i think its quite conventional though, albeit with the
addition of per-container tempo/timesig.

while i wouldnt use the tempo/timesig much myself, i can
see its a useful addition.

you dont say much about global horizontal or vertical
settings. By 'global vertical', i mean Tracks. Its
important, i think, to be able to set properties on a
collective or default basis, as well as overriding or
modifying them individually.

Similarly, i see the need for 'global horizontal' settings,
for example allowing tempo changes across all child
containers. Its not clear whether your model would allow

> - Making it easy to switch instruments, effects,
> routing, etc. without the need to add several
> tracks (therby wasting vertical space and making
> it harder to get the 'big picture'

I dont think tracks neccesarily add space. Especially if you
optionally allow, for example, a per-container output
channel, as has been in Cubase since v1.0 (well actually
thats per-note, but the concept is similar).

> The (headless) core should concentrate on allowing
> to record, arrange, edit and output data.
> Multiple Clients could communicate with one server,
> allowing collaborative sequencing (some additional
> mechanism would be required, of course).

This is more or less what i am working on. Still nothing
usable unfortunately. If i cant get it together soon,
i'll probably just make the code public as is anyway,
so that people can see it...

I agree with you that a general purpose library or deamon is
sorely needed to encourage a rich interface ecosystem.
Theres no good reason why a user shouldnt be able to use a
Radium style interface while simultaneously using a
conventional graphical window displaying the same data.


Tim Orford
Received on Sat Apr 30 20:15:14 2005

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