[linux-audio-dev] Sequencer Concept Addition

From: Thorsten Wilms <t_w_@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Apr 30 2005 - 17:03:57 EEST

Dang, i should have dropped some words on the
reasons for the container concep :)

- Making it easy to switch instruments, effects,
  routing, etc. without the need to add several
  tracks (therby wasting vertical space and making
  it harder to get the 'big picture'

- Allowing to include tempo and meter changes,
  as well as routing in patterns for easy

- Making it easy to build up complex polyrhythms.

- The absolute time containers with independent
  transport control should allow to integrate
  loop recording/playing (like sooperlooper or
  freewheeling). But I hav't thought through this.
  Also one such Conatiner could include transport
  events to control another one (the sequencer
  playing itself).

And some words about architecture:

The sequencer should be able to handle audio,
midi, osc and later on video. For this the core
should deal only with what is common to all
containers and rely on plugins for the varying
kinds of content.

The (headless) core should concentrate on allowing
to record, arrange, edit and output data.
Multiple Clients could communicate with one server,
allowing collaborative sequencing (some additional
mechanism would be required, of course).

Thorsten Wilms
Received on Sat Apr 30 20:15:12 2005

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