On Sun, Nov 06, 2005 at 10:59:57AM +0000, James Courtier-Dutton wrote:
> My question is really what should I do when the gain_multiplier is 0.0
> Do I:
> a) Limit the range of the gain control to 0dB to -40 dB and have a
> separate Mute control.
> b) When the gain control has a gain_multiplier of 0.0, automatically
> activate the Mute control.
> c) Some other method.
On most pro mixing desks the fader will go down to zero gain, *and*
there will be a separate mute button. The mute may have effects beyond
just muting the signal controlled by the fader, .e.g. it could also
switch auxiliary sends or have other effects. On a real pro desk it
will be 'debounced' i.e. do a fast fade in/out.
With some exeptions, most soundcards' mixer controls are not really
meant to be used as a mixing desk, just to set gains and forget.
Many cards will have very coarse gain steps for example, and the
mute function may generate clicks (a sure killer on a pro mixer !).
-- FAReceived on Sun Nov 6 16:15:07 2005
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