On Sun, 20 Nov 2005 16:32:21 +0100
Florian Schmidt <mista.tapas@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> The problem i see is: when the client in the term exits (either by means
> of LASH telling it to, or by sending i.e. a SIGINT), it just drops to a
> bash prompt instead of exiting the terminal.
this line seems to be the culprit (liblash/loader.c):
#define XTERM_COMMAND_EXTENSION "&& sh || sh"
as this basically makes sure the xterm is not exited. So maybe this is
even expected behaviour. Hmm, i simply replaced it with "" and am happy
now. Maybe this should be made configurable. Perhaps as an option which
can be specified when restoring a session (default should be xterms
close after the client in them terminates).
-- Palimm Palimm! http://tapas.affenbande.orgReceived on Tue Nov 22 08:15:05 2005
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