On Wed, Jan 11, 2006 at 09:09:46PM +0900, Srinivas Reddy wrote:
> I am having an audio engine with MIDI PLAYER and MIDI SYNTHESIZER which is
> running in real time mode . It means that
> the player layer send the MIDI events directly to the synthesizer that are
> contained in the current frame. There is no time information in the events
> and there is no bufferization.
> Q1)Does ALSA can support the "real-time mode" ?
> OR
> Does it support a sequenced mode ? i.e.,does the player/parser have to send
> time
> information to the ALSA library?
It supports both modes. You can send midi to another app
for immediate delivery, or you can schedule it for later.
-- FAReceived on Wed Jan 11 16:15:09 2006
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