Hello Tim,
A couple of concerns with your guitar related plugs:
Speaking about the compile flags you use for caps -O6 does nothing
more than -O3 and from -O2 upwards there's no need to specify
"-funroll-loops", also -O3 often bloats the generated code
unecessairly making it slower than -O2 AFAIK.
Why introduce PSU emulation (not that it's a bad thing in itself) when
you're still not simulating what makes a guitar sound sweet, namely
output valves?
I've been looking at the source code and it seems you're just
simulating a single 12AX7 preamp having weird tone stacks... In
reality I've never seen something like that in other than valve based
distorion/pedeal boosters...
It would be cool to have amps based on real good sounding amps models
where you have different preamp stages with the tone stack placed at
different gain stages, or more simply preamp voicings, like say the
difference you find between fender, marshall, vox,mesa boggie and
soldano preamps sections, and then model the output stage with the
same valves arrangements and data from the actual valves like say EL34
for marshalls and 6L6 for fender/mesa/vox/soldano/whatever...
It is in the output section valves that the real "juice" comes out in
a real amp, and it's the place where the different valve types and
arrangements can make a huge difference, like class a vs cass ab,
single ended vs parallel and push pull...
I quickly gave a try to AmpV and AmpIV using a DI box, and had issues
with the gain settings of those plugins, the more I rise the knob the
more it gives me a farty distortion up to the point where the sounds
disappears completely. I've tried this with gcc 3.2 and gcc 4.0.2. The
new cab sims sound much better than the older models though, nice job
you did there!
Due to frustration with free as in freedom guitar amp sims, I recently
bought one of those
http://www.behringer.com/LX1-PRO/index.cfm?lang=ENG, it's a pity
there's nothing even coming close to it in the free world up to now :(
2006/1/11, Tim Goetze <tim@email-addr-hidden>:
> The ever popular CAPS Audio Plugin Suite reincarnates as v0.3.0, a
> major augmentation release.
> CAPS is a LADSPA library that enjoys worldwide favour for its
> high-quality instrument amplifier emulation facilities. In addition it
> provides a sizeable assortment of no less sophisticated classic DSP
> units for daily use as well as some more exotic sound generators and
> effects.
> Most noteworthy addition is the new AmpV plugin which builds on the
> previous Amp efforts. A fundamentally revised circuit design and the
> emulation of power supply shortcomings make for a very mellow and
> differentiating tone especially at clean to moderately rough settings.
> The new CabinetII unit further enhances the discerning electric
> guitarist's digital sound setup by modelling five classical speaker
> cabinets; far more faithful than the previous Cabinet plugin it builds
> on, but with the same zero-latency advantage at still extremely low
> CPU taxation.
> Furthermore, the new Scape plugin (if played well ;) generates epic
> grooving soundscapes, the new ChorusII and PhaserII units provide
> fractally modulated variants of these classics and the new SweepVFII
> enhances its predecessor by allowing for modulation of filter Q.
> -*-
> This CAPS release compiles cleanly on x86-64 as well as with gcc-4.0.
> Many plugins have been renamed and all have been relabelled, which
> will unfortunately upset some host programs trying to load existing
> setups. Consult the README files in the distribution package for
> further details.
> http://quitte.de/dsp/caps.html
> http://quitte.de/dsp/caps_0.3.0.tar.gz
> Please forward as you see fit.
> Enjoy,
> Tim
Received on Thu Jan 12 12:15:06 2006
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