At 5:14 +0100 13/1/06, David Olofson wrote:
>Well, I'm considering getting one, though I'm not totally sure what
>I'd use it for. (Except plain fun, of course, which is no small part
>of the whole Free/Open Source thing.)
the GP2X sure is fun. i have two now, and another two on their way
for siblings/family ..
>Are there any restrictions WRT which Linux drivers are available? (I'm
>thinking external USB devices and the like.) Does it support (USB)
>keyboards and mice? (A foldable rubber keyboard and some sort of
>tracker-like sequencer could be useful. Or is there a foldable rubber
>MIDI/USB keyboard out there somewhere?)
the only restrictions are what you can get compiled to run on the
included 2.4.24 kernel .. and the USB is definitely usable for
peripherals, once you've made (or obtained/bought) an EXT breakout
cable for the job .. i've got one for Serial/MIDI .. adding Video,
Audio, and USB to it this week ..
>Another thought: Is there a market for shareware games? (Ports, at
>least - it'd have to be a rather large market for dedicated game
>designs to be viable, I think.)
i think there is .. well-marketed games could do well on this
platform, and its at least as much of an opportunity as there is for
cell-phone games.. and those do well, once the marketing machine is
up to support the effort of getting games in kids' hands..
but i honestly thing the GP2X could be a very fun synthesis/audio
platform, most of all, and thats my purpose for getting into it ..
just great fun, portable, pocketable, audio mania ..
-- ; Jay VaughanReceived on Wed Jan 18 12:15:05 2006
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