On Fri, 2006-01-20 at 14:35 +0100, Carlo Capocasa wrote:
> Hi!
> Yes, vkeybd is what I am using now. I set out to create a console
> alternative that is also more stable when pressing many keys at once.
> I also have a little bit of distrust for TCL scripted keyboard event
> handling when operating quasi-realtime.
first of all, the design of almost all keyboards makes arbitrary use of
multiple key presses at once impossible. you can google for information
on this; basically there is a sensor strip below the keys that has a
number of "busses" on it. different keys share these busses, and it is
physically impossible to detect one key press when another is held down.
as for use ncurses, it works but provides no way to detect raw key
presses, only character input. hence, there is no difference in ncurses
between a user pressing the tab key or the control key and "i". you also
cannot detect key press and release.
ardour's "ksi" interface has code that handles raw keycodes, even on
another machine (network transparent raw keycode transmission, heh). it
doesn't interact well with a running instance of X Window, so you can't
use it inside a terminal window, but on a text console, its perfect, if
i say so myself ;)
Received on Fri Jan 20 16:15:13 2006
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