OK, thank you Paul for saving our project... we cancel now vst support
in any way. The binary will be deleted. Also LMMS will be informed
because of the violation of the licences.
Am Freitag, den 27.01.2006, 09:25 -0500 schrieb Paul Davis:
> On Fri, 2006-01-27 at 14:13 +0000, Chris Cannam wrote:
> > On Friday 27 Jan 2006 14:03, Michael Bohle wrote:
> > > I don't like dssi-vst so much, too buggy
> >
> > Your bug reports and fixes have been invaluable.
> >
> > > It dosn't work with fst 1.7 because of a graphical prob.
> >
> > I notice jacklab.net offers a binary distribution of libfst, and says "an
> > experimental version of ardour-fst is in preparation". How do you deal with
> > the licensing problem?
> an excellent question. i want to repeat and stress what is said within
> Ardour, but probably not clearly enough:
> It is illegal to distribute binaries of a GPL'ed application
> compiled with VST support.
> Illegal, OK? Don't do it. We didn't ask for this situation, but its the
> situation we have and nobody is going to be helped by people breaking
> licensing agreements. I would remind distributors that if you break the
> license in any way, you lose all ability to distribute a GPL'ed
> application at all. So please, don't do it.
> --p
Received on Fri Jan 27 20:15:08 2006
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