Re: [linux-audio-dev] xt2 coming to linux

From: Michael Bohle <core@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Jan 27 2006 - 17:03:59 EET

Am Freitag, den 27.01.2006, 14:42 +0000 schrieb James McDermott:
> > As far as i see Jorgen only want to support the obsolet OSS driver model
> > and native VST Linux plugins... No chance for eXT on Linux...
> From the KVR forum (
> ---
> the midi/audio driver part of xt2 is open source, so anyone can add
> jack support for it (knowing c/c++ and jack that is). xt currently
> works with OSS only. Works great on kernel 2.6. I get very low
> latencies with it over here.
> ---
> I'm not sure about that... I thought there was no OSS in kernel 2.6?
> Anyway, looks positive doesn't it?

As I heard from eXT on Linux, I bought a licence für eXT for my Windows
DAW. It is a fantastic little programm, very stable and full of nice
features. I really hope that the linux port will be a great one - but I
see Ardour with (hopefully soon with midisupport) and so I dont see so
much chances for an eXT without Jack support.

Received on Fri Jan 27 20:15:09 2006

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